Article Archive
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Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "VICTORIOUS" Philippians 4:12 confirms our strength, then share insight on Joy, acknowledges humans' frailty and ones' commitment, including instructions on how to maintain Joy.
This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast thou shall "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR as thyself (Mark 12:3). A LOVE continuation from last week. This week focusing on what it means to love oneself, our neighbor, the definition of a neighbor, how God sees us and how to love despite our ups and down. A must read that increases our heartfelt desires to "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR" more.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "YEA AND AMEN" Romans 5:5-8 focuses on the guarantee of God's new covenant promises, His love, our heart, empowerment, being made perfect for "Good works," mercy and grace. A must read!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "FAITH IN ACTION" our challenge to continue or strengthen the evidence of TRUE FAITH in God. "Be doers of God's Word, not hearers only (James 1:22)." We learn more and/or reconfirm the evidence of godly living during our struggles or trials, demonstrations of Who our present help is and our benefits with a promise.