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This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast Hebrew 6:13-20 records the greatest truths reassuring "OUR HOPE." This Blast confirms OUR HOPE in God's promises are yea and Amen! He is a God that does not lie and no doubt a strong consolation that God's promises are sure and steadfast. OUR HOPE in God's blessings are to encourage and restore every believers confidence in Christ our Forerunner-Mediator and more. What we can do when "The road gets rough." More is shared on God's promises and His unchanging character concerning OUR HOPE. Special giveaways of two (2) Get Through, Going Through-Life Christian books by Author Arnetha. So please click below to finish reading the Blast, to receive the question and be the first two persons responding with the correct answer.
Happy Veterans' Day! This late Monday Morning Inspirational Blast continued focus is to "PRAY" despite many prayed faithfully for Kamala Harris, who said, "I will be a President for all the people." Yet God allowed the will of the people to win. This Blast highlights our brokenness, a word from one of God's Prophets/Intercessors, our mandate as believers to pray, evildoers, darkness, supporting scriptures and a prayer. A must read as this Blast shows or reiterates how to stand as powerful women and men in Christ.
This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "LOVE" (Mark 12:30-31). We are commanded by Jesus on how to LOVE Him which is the first of His greatest two commandments. Then learn more or enhance what we already know which qualifies the LORD'S mandate to LOVE, the power in His LOVE, what His LOVE has done and continues to do in the lives of every believer. A must read and don't miss out! Next week we will continue more on God's mandate to LOVE.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "I CAN" not through my power, might nor strength! But according to Philippians 4:13. Just to note this letter by Paul is known as "The Epistle of Joy and Peace" that was written from prison to the Philippians' church. As believers we are the church and should represent Christ wherever we go. Probably amazing to many that Paul writes about having joy and peace while behind bars or lock-up. Most of us are not bound like Paul. Yet our minds maybe bound with troubles or we seems to be in bondage due to life and world conditions. Paul is telling us we/I CAN (making it personal) have joy beyond and above our situations." Therefore Blast focusing on the I CAN recipe or blueprint for the mind to stay focus on Christ producing joy and peace way above and beyond our circumstances. A must read.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast last week PRAY, this week "WE PRAY" without ceasing as express in Ephesians 6:18 and 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Yet the entire 1 Thessalonians 5th chapter tells us how to live while waiting Christ's return. Waiting on Christ return in righteousness demonstrates believers love and close walk with the LORD. WE PRAY depending on God as our supplier and more. A must read!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "PRAY" Matthew 6:9-13 talks about the MODEL PRAYER-THE LORD'S PRAYER. It is concise, easy and complete. This prayer is broken down to increase God's intent of teaching us to PRAY and when we PRAY it's about a personal relationship with Him and believers, worship, expectation and moreā¦A must read!
Morning's Inspirational Blast "THE LIGHT" John 8:12 focuses on the LIGHT of Jesus has overcome darkness/sin in the world and benefits of THE LIGHT living in us. Toward Blast end an acknowledgement of rough times, but assurances of THE LIGHT and God's covenant promise to every believer is more secure than a mother holding their little child's hand for safety (Isaiah 42:6). A must read!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "FAITH IN ACTION" our challenge to continue or strengthen the evidence of TRUE FAITH in God. "Be doers of God's Word, not hearers only (James 1:22)." We learn more and/or reconfirm the evidence of godly living during our struggles or trials, demonstrations of Who our present help is and our benefits with a promise.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "A CALLING BACK" 2 Chronicles 7:14, a personal response from God to King Solomon for his prayer of supplication on the behalf of Israel, the importance of "A CALLING BACK" for all believers and its impact. A must read!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "A RIGHT NOW GOD" is a longing for God because of the plea expressed through the lyrics of COME BY HERE, MY LORD OR KUMBAYA." Then in response to meeting our needs Psalm 91 talks about "Abiding under the Shadow of the Almighty," a metaphor of God's ongoing care and protection for all believers, the condition of His promises and more. A must read.