Article Archive

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Monday Morning Inspirational Blast last week focused on our life battles and that are too deep and devasting to rely on our measly human power. Our human power represents flesh and blood which are powerless in its quest to defeat and overcome satan's tricks, schemes and deceptions. We reiterated our battles are spiritual, identified our Weapons of Warfare and I promised to break down God's Whole Armor using excerpts from Get Through, Going Through-Life book. Therefore our Morning Inspirational Blast "OUR VICTORIES" focus on each of the mentioned weapons of warfare, the soldiers' defensive weapons' power in physical wars and the comparison of these defensive weapons' power in spiritual wars. Just to note one of these weapons are also offensive. God desires we use His Whole Armor for our benefit even though His power is beyond our imagination.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "WE ARE VICTORI0US" emphasizes our life battles and struggles are too deep and devastating to rely on our measly human power of flesh and blood. We would fail tremendously with the inability to overcome satan's tricks, schemes and deceptions. Therefore Paul says, "We are to be strong in the LORD and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10)."
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "LIVING WATER," its meaning, connection to our spirit, the significance of water and LIVING WATER to life and empowerment. A must read.
"THE POSSIBILITY OF THE IMPOSSIBILITY" is about feeling like David in Psalm 143 when his "Back was against the wall," when we are seemingly in despair, recognizing God, prayer, righteousness, warfare and receiving the IMPOSSIBILITY.
Happy Resurrection! I had the opportunity to bring a 2 minute Word on Sunday. If you were there this message is now presented a little differently since children/teens were in attendance. The summary of this Inspirational Blast focuses on Jesus' final Word on the Cross "IT IS FINISH"- A Fulfilled Purpose John 19:30. Jesus Fulfilled Purpose begins from a baby in swaddling clothes to the shedding of His blood on the cross. We tell of Jesus' life pattern that helps us Fulfill our God given Purpose. Then like Jesus we too will say "IT IS FINISH!" A must Read. Please click the link below to receive all God has for you, Amen!

Overcoming with CHARITY/LOVE summary is about LOVE. Recognizing Valentine's Day is this Wednesday gives a great opportunity to share the LOVE and FORGIVENESS of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, due to the finished work of Christ on the cross. This article shares the importance of LOVE and how to overcome the inability of FORGIVENESS for self and others. Moreover focuses on scriptures, the power of God's Word to declare and internalize in prayer for breakthrough (s). A must read of the entire article. Continue LOVE, FORGIVENESS AND BLESSINGS!!!
Power of the Blood at Work Broken Veil-Revised Ebook confirms our ability to succeed in life when we are obedient to God's Word. We learn: (1) how "To get up, when down;" (2) to operate in wisdom & knowledge concerning the Coronavirus: & (3) the importance of humility, praying, seeking God & turning from our wicked ways. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14 for God's promises. Finally a perfect gift for Easter/Resurrection Sunday. Visit E Store today for your copy @ $3.59.