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Happy Veterans' Day! This late Monday Morning Inspirational Blast continued focus is to "PRAY" despite many prayed faithfully for Kamala Harris, who said, "I will be a President for all the people." Yet God allowed the will of the people to win. This Blast highlights our brokenness, a word from one of God's Prophets/Intercessors, our mandate as believers to pray, evildoers, darkness, supporting scriptures and a prayer. A must read as this Blast shows or reiterates how to stand as powerful women and men in Christ.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "I CAN" not through my power, might nor strength! But according to Philippians 4:13. Just to note this letter by Paul is known as "The Epistle of Joy and Peace" that was written from prison to the Philippians' church. As believers we are the church and should represent Christ wherever we go. Probably amazing to many that Paul writes about having joy and peace while behind bars or lock-up. Most of us are not bound like Paul. Yet our minds maybe bound with troubles or we seems to be in bondage due to life and world conditions. Paul is telling us we/I CAN (making it personal) have joy beyond and above our situations." Therefore Blast focusing on the I CAN recipe or blueprint for the mind to stay focus on Christ producing joy and peace way above and beyond our circumstances. A must read.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "FAITH IN ACTION" our challenge to continue or strengthen the evidence of TRUE FAITH in God. "Be doers of God's Word, not hearers only (James 1:22)." We learn more and/or reconfirm the evidence of godly living during our struggles or trials, demonstrations of Who our present help is and our benefits with a promise.
"SO SHALL MY WORD BE" summary is an opportunity to increase our faith and put into practice God's Word when overwhelmed and feel helpless. Life seems out of control with family, others, violence, government and world issues. Our Heavenly Father reminds us "SO SHALL MY WORD BE" Isaiah 55:11. This article focus on scriptures to reiterate God's faithfulness and love for us. He offers help for the weary, those who lack and gives us instructions on how to live for Him. A testimony is shared on how God heard my confession, plea for His help and delivered. It is our prayer "SO SHALL MY WORD BE" a blessing to you as It continues to bless me!