Article Archive

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Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "LIVING WATER," its meaning, connection to our spirit, the significance of water and LIVING WATER to life and empowerment. A must read.
"BE READY, BE READY, BE READY!" Inspired by a Facebook Eclipse comment from Influence HER: Woman of Worth, "Y'all worried about the eclipse coming when y'all need to worry about when Jesus is coming" and inspirations from two friends. The coming of the LORD and His purpose is confirmed in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 "For the LORD Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and moreā€¦." We share headline news of the eclipse and the life changing significance of Headline News for the Rapture that will impact us eternally. The believer must BE READY, BE READY, BE READY! We don't want to be asleep if Christ returns while we are alive. Then we want to be in Christ when we died to be resurrect first and hear the message "Good and faithful servant." A must read! Please click below to receive all God has for us and blessings!!!