Article Archive

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Ephesians 2:10 excerpts "We are God's workmanship and through Christ created for Good Works. Requiring self-denial like Christ. Also focusing on Luke 22:42 saying "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me. Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done;" in addition to Christ's cup, our bitter cup and ways to remain focus on Good Works since we are CHOSEN by God for greatness—His Good Works!
Happy Resurrection! I had the opportunity to bring a 2 minute Word on Sunday. If you were there this message is now presented a little differently since children/teens were in attendance. The summary of this Inspirational Blast focuses on Jesus' final Word on the Cross "IT IS FINISH"- A Fulfilled Purpose John 19:30. Jesus Fulfilled Purpose begins from a baby in swaddling clothes to the shedding of His blood on the cross. We tell of Jesus' life pattern that helps us Fulfill our God given Purpose. Then like Jesus we too will say "IT IS FINISH!" A must Read. Please click the link below to receive all God has for you, Amen!

Continuing to shine light on Women's History Month as we highlight Wilma Rudolph, an African American HISTORY MAKER. Wilma was officially recognized as the "Fastest woman in the world." The first American woman runner to win three gold medals. Wilma encountered early childhood issues, then told by doctors "She would never walk again." Yet becoming a HISTORY MAKER. We declare girls/women and boys/men are like Wilma HISTORY MAKERS. We share how Wilma was able to overcome adversities and the demonstration of faith without work is dead. A must read.
I had the awesome opportunity to attend the Relentless Women's Conference. A blessing for those of us that attended. Now the opportunity to share the blessing received from the Conference with you. "Women of Influence" we are Women with a Purpose. Men you can read to enhance your knowledge that we are Women of Influence with a Purpose. Please click, read and share! Blessingsā€¦
"EVE THE FIRST WOMAN" Summary focuses on Women's History Month-March. What a great way to begin with the Mother of us all. The first woman, the first wife, the first grandmother and more. This blast shares Eve's creation from Adam's rib and in the likeness of God, her life journey of sorrows, disappointment and joy. Then as WOMEN how we are so much like Eve. A must read and thanks, you CLICK for MORE. LOVE & CONTINUE BLESSINGS!
"PERFECTED WALK" focus on walking "Heel to Toe," the purposes and benefits. Then in comparison to our "PERFECTED WALK" in Christ like Paul. A must read!
"THE RAIN" Inspirational Blast is more than a "Weather report" despite the RAIN descriptions and levels. We talk about RAIN levels to clearly see and understand our level of love relationship with and in Christ. We focus on THE RAIN'S spiritual provisions towards the just and unjust; reiterate God's desires for His children and explore portions of Yolanda Adam's lyrics like "Even if it RAINS outside, there is light" to show the goodness of God's RAIN-His provisions. This Inspirational Blast is designed to increase our awareness and trust God's provisions of RAIN in our life journey and to love Him more. Lastly to receive all God has for you in this Inspirational Blast please click the link below. Continue Blessings!!!
This summary/introduction of "GOD IS/I AM" presents the Word to clearly define and increase our understanding of how God's GLORY, TRUTH, EXISTENCE and more operates and manifests in our lives. For example Psalm 27NKJV is titled "Fearless Trust in the LORD. Asking that you click on Neatbooks4u to read the entire article increasing the manifestation of God's Word operating in our lives. We are God's benefactors. Look forward to your reading, comments and sharing. Continue blessings!!!
Overcoming with CHARITY/LOVE summary is about LOVE. Recognizing Valentine's Day is this Wednesday gives a great opportunity to share the LOVE and FORGIVENESS of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, due to the finished work of Christ on the cross. This article shares the importance of LOVE and how to overcome the inability of FORGIVENESS for self and others. Moreover focuses on scriptures, the power of God's Word to declare and internalize in prayer for breakthrough (s). A must read of the entire article. Continue LOVE, FORGIVENESS AND BLESSINGS!!!
Witnessing His Goodness is based on 1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify Christ as LORD in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence." This scripture is broken-down to increase our understanding. More is shared to help us increase Witnessing the LORD's Goodness. Light is shed on telling someone when asked, "What is your hope in the LORD?" O what a grand opportunity to share God's Goodness of forgiveness, love, restoration, eternal blessing and more. As witnesses of God' Goodness a description of the heart, feeding the heart, our Witnessing His Goodness when the person did not ask and our disposition or character while Witnessing to others. A must read to increase ones' personal Witnessing of the LORD'S Goodness.