Article Archive

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Paving the Way is based on the Messenger, John the Baptist crying out in the wilderness preparing the way for Jesus, the LORD's coming for the remission of sin. Calling the people to repentance and preparing their hearts to accept Jesus as their Savior-the Chosen One. This message is still prevalent for today. A calling all to repentance for our sins and to accept the LORD as our Savior. This assignment is not just for preachers and teachers of the gospel, but for all believers. Our ability to Paving the Way is with God's help. We are assigned to Pave the Way for others that begins with loved ones in our home and outreach to others.
"SO SHALL MY WORD BE" summary is an opportunity to increase our faith and put into practice God's Word when overwhelmed and feel helpless. Life seems out of control with family, others, violence, government and world issues. Our Heavenly Father reminds us "SO SHALL MY WORD BE" Isaiah 55:11. This article focus on scriptures to reiterate God's faithfulness and love for us. He offers help for the weary, those who lack and gives us instructions on how to live for Him. A testimony is shared on how God heard my confession, plea for His help and delivered. It is our prayer "SO SHALL MY WORD BE" a blessing to you as It continues to bless me!
We are to Praise the LORD for His mighty acts, power, authority, His suffering and death on the cross, deliverance, salvation, love, grace and mercy. We are to continue Praising the LORD in the midst of our pains and sorrows.
Sharing my encounter with Heavy Weigh, Jesus' promises and benefits of "I Will Give You Rest." Stuff and situations in life causes Heavy Weigh like unrest, worry, stress, insomnia and burdens. Visualize a person on their knees burdened with heavy weigh. I was lying in my bed and could not move because I felt heavy weighted. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV) "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I Will Give You Rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.'
Approximately 5 minute Inspirational Blast Moving Forward "A Promise" shares my story, God's response to my cry, and A Promise that results to discourse. Moreover based on my actions seemingly forgot my Promise, all God has done, continues doing for and through me! Hopefully this Inspirational Blast will inspire you and others to realize all God has and continues doing for and through you. Then like me if applicable, honor your Promise.
Examining Unfinish Business, obstacles and to Move Forward. Wow the old saying? "Time waits on no one!" As we age the years seems to quickly pass by. Psalms 103:15-16 (NIV) "The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. First Peter 1:24 (NIV) For "All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall. Yet thanking God for life, asking and believing the opportunity to complete our Unfinish Business that may include fulfilling those promises made to your child or family, that class you plan to take for work promotion, starting your own business, studying for your license, writing that book, praying more and to forgive.
A five minute Inspirational Message to cope with grief during the holiday seasons due to death of loved ones and other traumatic events. To grieve is a normal healthy emotion. Jesus grieved. He wept over the death of his good friend, Lazarus. Read John 11:33-35.

On many occasions we have tremendous difficulty navigating through death and traumatic events to reach some degree of acceptance. Not to minimize our loss. Therefore this inspirational message is to help us "Navigate Through the Holiday Blues." Looking forward to you tuning in and our conversations through blog-talk. As always Arnetha declares "Your Destiny, Your Best."

Obviously Like "You Can't Hurry LOVE, You Can't Hurry GOD." The essence of this article is LOVE. Not only speaks of a woman's desire of LOVE from a man, but GOD'S divine LOVE for mankind. Then HIS desire to be LOVED by man is inclusive of everyone. More LOVE revelations are unconditional and displays respect.
This article Defining Your Life Purpose - "God's Will" is for the MILLENNIALS. The intentions are to increase: (1) Awareness of your life purpose to include drive, passion and talent/gift; (2) Your strategies to operate in and fulfill your life purpose; and (3) Learning how your purpose can develop and change through life experiences.
Power of the Blood at Work Broken Veil-Revised Ebook confirms our ability to succeed in life when we are obedient to God's Word. We learn: (1) how "To get up, when down;" (2) to operate in wisdom & knowledge concerning the Coronavirus: & (3) the importance of humility, praying, seeking God & turning from our wicked ways. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14 for God's promises. Finally a perfect gift for Easter/Resurrection Sunday. Visit E Store today for your copy @ $3.59.